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El Croquis 162. RCR Arquitectes 2007-2012. Poetic Abstraction | 9788488386724

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El Croquis 162. RCR Arquitectes 2007-2012

Poetic Abstraction

Publisher:El Croquis

ISBN: 978-84-88386-72-4

  • Paperback
  • English, Spanish
  • 288 Pages
  • Sep 3, 2012

The focus of this edition of ‘El Croquis’ is the Spanish office RCR Arquitectes. Presenting an extensive overview of their work during the past five years, the magazine also includes an essay by Josep María Montaner and an interview with the architects by William Curtis. Explore a variety of projects by RCR such as the La Lira Theatre public space, the La Cuisine Art Centre, a school in Font Romeu, the meeting point in La Fosca, the New Sants station complex and many others.

The focus of this edition of ‘El Croquis’ is the Spanish office RCR Arquitectes. Presenting an extensive overview of their work during the past five years, the magazine also includes an essay by Josep María Montaner and an interview with the architects by William Curtis.


Mas del Vent Meeting Point in La Fosca
La Lira Theatre Public Domain
Indoor Pool in Taradell
New Sants Station Complex
House for an Architect
El Petit Comte Infant School
Plaça Europa 31 Building
Mas Salvá Stables for People and Horses
Marquee for Les Cols restaurant
Bab al Jinan Hotel
Soulages Museum
La Cuisine Art Centre
Malecaze House
Row House
New Barcelona Province Courts
School in Font Romeu
La Fosca Inn
Waalsekrook Mediatheque

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