Providing visitors with a tranquil haven for rest and reflection, Peter Zumthor's Pavilion centres around a hortus conclusus, a hidden inner garden, conceived by award-winning Dutch designer Piet Oudolf. The most comprehensive publication on the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2011, this catalogue features stunning artwork and photography of Zumthor's Pavilion as well as a fully illustrated index of the plant varieties included in Piet Oudolf's garden design. "Enclosed gardens fascinate me. A forerunner of this fascination is my love of the fenced vegetable gardens on farms in the Alps. I love the image of these small rectangles cut out of vast alpine meadows, the fence keeping the animals out. There is something else that strikes me in this image of a garden fenced off within the larger landscape around it: something small has found sanctuary within something big." Peter Zumthor, 2011
"Hortus Conclusus" hat er den diesjährigen Pavillon der Serpentine Gallery genannt. Der Pavillon dient als dreidimensionaler Rahmen, der das Blumenbeet des Landschaftsgestalters Piet Oudolf in seinem Innenhof zu einem kostbaren Exponat werden lässt. Das Stück Natur im Rechteck wird erst durch den Kontrast zur streng geometrischen Hülle besonders betont und setzt sich mit Hilfe einer inszenierten Raumerfahrung mit der Wahrnehmung von Natur und Stadt auseinander. Einziger Außenbezug bleibt ein rechteckiger Ausschnitt Himmel, der je nach Perspektive den Blick auch auf die umgebenden Baumkronen freigibt - ein intensiver Raum als Hülle für das "Gute, Wahre und Schöne".
Providing visitors with a tranquil haven for rest and reflection, Peter Zumthor's Pavilion centres around a hortus conclusus, a hidden inner garden, conceived by award-winning Dutch designer Piet Oudolf. The most comprehensive publication on the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2011, this catalogue features stunning artwork and photography of Zumthor's Pavilion as well as a fully illustrated index of the plant varieties included in Piet Oudolf's garden design. "Enclosed gardens fascinate me. A forerunner of this fascination is my love of the fenced vegetable gardens on farms in the Alps. I love the image of these small rectangles cut out of vast alpine meadows, the fence keeping the animals out. There is something else that strikes me in this image of a garden fenced off within the larger landscape around it: something small has found sanctuary within something big." Peter Zumthor, 2011