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OPEN 6. (in)Security

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OPEN 6. (in)Security

Author:Gijs van Oenen, Lieven De Cauter, Sean Snyder, Thomas Y. Levin, Sven Lütticken, Harm Tilman, Mark Wigley, Hans Boutllier, Jouke Kleerebezem, Willem van Weelden and Q.S. Serafijn

Publisher:NAi Publishers

ISBN: 978-90-5662-382-1

  • Paperback
  • English
  • 176 Pages
  • May 7, 2004

Open 6, (In)Security, is the first issue of Open to come out in cahier form and to be published bij NAI Publishers. It will be published twice a year in a Dutch-language as well as an English-language edition. The cahiers are thematically arranged, with art and public space as starting points in relation to relevant areas such as architecture/ urban planning, landscape architecture, spatial planning and digital media.

Open 6, (In)Security, is the first issue of Open to come out in cahier form and to be published bij NAI Publishers. It will be published twice a year in a Dutch-language as well as an English-language edition. The cahiers are thematically arranged, with art and public space as starting points in relation to relevant areas such as architecture/ urban planning, landscape architecture, spatial planning and digital media.

Open 6 is devoted to art, public space and security. Within today's public domain, the call for more protection, supervision and care dominates on all fronts. The individual and the community are demanding maximum security for the public space and for themselves.

Open 6 examines what lies at the root of the public yearning for security and what new questions are being asked of by artists, designers, theorists clients and policy makers.

Open 6 presents philosophical articles as well as contributions more directly connected to concrete events, places or (art) projects, providing insight into the current aesthetics and ethics of security.

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