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Volume 21. The Block | 9789077966211

Dubbelklik op de afbeelding voor groot formaat


Volume 21. The Block


ISBN: 978-90-7796-621-1

  • Paperback
  • Engels
  • 176 pagina's
  • 1 sep. 2009

Vast urbanisations in developed, developing and under-developed economies have one common denominator: an immediate need for quality housing. Never before were those involved in architecture and building construction confronted with such a challenge – the housing of millions.

Based on the analysis of one of the housing experiments of the past, the Soviet Microrayon, Volume proposes a new prototype – a housing block, which is custom-made but mass-produced and conceived via open source standards.

Vast urbanisations in developed, developing and under-developed economies have one common denominator: an immediate need for quality housing. Never before were those involved in architecture and building construction confronted with such a challenge – the housing of millions. A one-fits-all solution seems unthinkable since most mass-housing schemes in the past failed, in part because they originated from dictatorship or total absence of power. Based on the analysis of one of the housing experiments of the past, the Soviet Microrayon, Volume proposes a new prototype – a housing block, which is custom-made but mass-produced and conceived via open source standards.

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