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FRAME 130. September/October 2019

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FRAME 130. September/October 2019



  • Paperback
  • Engels
  • 176 pagina's
  • 1 sep. 2019

The September/October issue of Frame marks a new chapter in the magazine’s history. At a time when the design industry is evermore beholden to the power of the glossy image – be that in print, on web or via your preferred social platform – we’ve decided that it’s vital that our publication strives not only to show you what’s popular, but also to tell you why. As a result we’ve undertaken an editorial and visual redesign that we think will help you gain greater insight into the innovations occurring at the forefront of spatial design, the contexts driving such change and, crucially, what importance they might hold for you.

In this issue:

Why spatial design is key for virtual reality
Picturing the post-clinical
Shoplifter on art without the theory
Lessons from Ace Hotel's little sister
Introducing: Business of Design

The September/October issue of Frame marks a new chapter in the magazine’s history. At a time when the design industry is evermore beholden to the power of the glossy image – be that in print, on web or via your preferred social platform – we’ve decided that it’s vital that our publication strives not only to show you what’s popular, but also to tell you why. As a result we’ve undertaken an editorial and visual redesign that we think will help you gain greater insight into the innovations occurring at the forefront of spatial design, the contexts driving such change and, crucially, what importance they might hold for you.

In this issue:

Why spatial design is key for virtual reality
Picturing the post-clinical
Shoplifter on art without the theory
Lessons from Ace Hotel's little sister
Introducing: Business of Design

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