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scape #18. international magazine for landscape architecture urbanism | 9789492474568 | blauwdruk

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scape #18

international magazine for landscape architecture urbanism


ISBN: 9789492474568

  • Paperback
  • Engels
  • 176 pagina's
  • 1 aug. 2022
Marc Wilson’s images of World War II defence structures inspire thinking about how we deal with these scars in the landscape. Should they be left to the elements and become ruins? Or are they useable for new functions? In the Netherlands, designers are turning similar objects into extraordinary places. The global pandemic has been a time of experimentation as we tried to navigate altered cities. How might a period of upheaval help us rethink the future trends of urban development? Plus, a portrait of the female-led and ecologically focused Finnish office Nomaji, street art in Madrid as sociocultural intervention, the importance of rural places for urban renewal, and more.
Marc Wilson’s images of World War II defence structures inspire thinking about how we deal with these scars in the landscape. Should they be left to the elements and become ruins? Or are they useable for new functions? In the Netherlands, designers are turning similar objects into extraordinary places. The global pandemic has been a time of experimentation as we tried to navigate altered cities. How might a period of upheaval help us rethink the future trends of urban development? Plus, a portrait of the female-led and ecologically focused Finnish office Nomaji, street art in Madrid as sociocultural intervention, the importance of rural places for urban renewal, and more.

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