For almost forty years now, the German Architecture Annual, issued by the Deutsches Architekturmuseum of Frankfurt am Main (DAM), has published crucial information about ongoing construction projects in Germany.
In a review by well-known authors, the German Architecture Annual presents a shortlist of twenty German buildings, determined by the jury for the 2017 DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany. The museum’s curators, as well as renowned architects and architectural critics, have an overview of one hundred nominations for the year. In the 2017 edition, in addition to the Special Appreciation for the winner of the DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany, a finer selection of finalists is being portrayed for the first time.
A separate chapter is devo ted to buildings by German architects abroad, in which three buildings are presented. The essays deal with the urgent topic regarding the future of housing construction, as well as Germany being represented abroad through educational and cultural buildings.
For almost forty years now, the German Architecture Annual, issued by the Deutsches Architekturmuseum of Frankfurt am Main (DAM), has published crucial information about ongoing construction projects in Germany.
In a review by well-known authors, the German Architecture Annual presents a shortlist of twenty German buildings, determined by the jury for the 2017 DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany. The museum’s curators, as well as renowned architects and architectural critics, have an overview of one hundred nominations for the year. In the 2017 edition, in addition to the Special Appreciation for the winner of the DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany, a finer selection of finalists is being portrayed for the first time.
A separate chapter is devo ted to buildings by German architects abroad, in which three buildings are presented. The essays deal with the urgent topic regarding the future of housing construction, as well as Germany being represented abroad through educational and cultural buildings.
Das Deutsche Architektur Jahrbuch, herausgegeben vom Deutschen Architekturmuseum (DAM) in Frankfurt am Main, publiziert seit fast 40 Jahren alle wichtigen Informationen zum aktuellen Baugeschehen in Deutschland.
Das Jahrbuch stellt in Besprechungen von namhaften Autoren die Shortlist von zwanzig Gebäuden aus Deutschland vor, die eine Jury für den DAM Preis für Architektur in Deutschland 2017 ermittelt hat. Kuratoren des Museums sowie renommierte Architekten und Architekturkritiker sichteten dazu ein Feld von einhundert Nominierungen für den Jahrgang. In der Ausgabe 2017 wird neben der besonderen Würdigung des Gewinners des DAM Preises für Architektur in Deutschland erstmals auch die engere Auswahl an Finalisten näher porträtiert. Ein eigenes Kapitel ist den Bauten deutscher Architekten im Ausland gewidmet, von denen drei Gebäude vorgestellt werden.
Die übergeordneten Essays befassen sich mit dem hochbrisanten Thema der Zukunft des Wohnungsbaus sowie mit der Darstellung Deutschlands im Ausland durch Bildungs- und Kulturbauten.