This issue of El Croquis magazine features projects by the offices of SANAA, Kazuyo Sejima & Associates and Ryue Nishizawa, from the period 2011-2015.
SANAA (Sejima and Nishizawa and Associates) takes centre stage in this special edition of El Croquis magazine, which focuses on the past four years of the Japanese architects’ practice, since winning the Pritzker Prize in 2010. Notable featured works include Louvre-Lens, Hitachi City Hall, and Grace Farms Cultural Center. The issue also presents a number of projects by the partners’ own firms, Kazuyo Sejima & Associates and Office of Ryue Nishizawa, respectively. Critical texts by Mark Wigley, Federico Soriano, and Beatriz Colomina accompany an interview with the two acclaimed architects.
This issue of El Croquis magazine features projects by the offices of SANAA, Kazuyo Sejima & Associates and Ryue Nishizawa, from the period 2011-2015.
SANAA (Sejima and Nishizawa and Associates) takes centre stage in this special edition of El Croquis magazine, which focuses on the past four years of the Japanese architects’ practice, since winning the Pritzker Prize in 2010. Notable featured works include Louvre-Lens, Hitachi City Hall, and Grace Farms Cultural Center. The issue also presents a number of projects by the partners’ own firms, Kazuyo Sejima & Associates and Office of Ryue Nishizawa, respectively. Critical texts by Mark Wigley, Federico Soriano, and Beatriz Colomina accompany an interview with the two acclaimed architects.
Projects studied include:
Grand Magasin La Samaritaine
Shakujii Apartments
Home for All: Miyatojima + Tsuki Hama
New Urban Campus for the Bocconi University
Tsuruoka Cultural Center
New Campus for the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design
Hitachi City Hall
Junko Fukutake Hall
J Terrace Café
Grace Farms Cultural Center
New National Gallery and Ludwig Museum
Hitachi Station
Shibaura House
Tsuchihashi House
Nishinoyama House
Yoshida Printing Headquarters
Sonei-Ji Cemetery Pavilion
Nakamachi Terrace Community Center and Library
Dangozaka House
Villa in Chile
Garden & House
Fukita Pavilion in Shodoshima
Roof and Mushroom Pavilion
Ikuta Church
Terasaki House
House in Los Vilos
Office Building in Hatsudai
Jining Fine Arts Museum