Coffee Shop

Coffee Shop

Design Wisdom in Small Space

Author:Jon Gentry

Publisher:Design Media

ISBN: 9781910596746

  • Hardcover
  • English
  • 208 Pages
  • Jun 1, 2018

The Design Wisdom in Small Space Book Series includes five volumes: Clothing Shop, Coffee Shop, Sweet Shop, Restaurant, and Beauty Shop. This series aims to explore design elements and techniques in existing and future small retail spaces.

The book selects projects of small-­ scale coffee shops from different regions to show design features and crucial elements for you to refer to. In this book, you can find a steam-­punk coffee shop of 30 square metres; you can also find a 60m2 coffee shop with a gallery to boast the theme human art. The book aims to inspire designers, and enlighten the one who will be an owner of a small coffee shop. Also, the one who loves traveling can go to the coffee shop mentioned in this book through the detailed address information to enjoy the local cultures.

The Design Wisdom in Small Space Book Series includes five volumes: Clothing Shop, Coffee Shop, Sweet Shop, Restaurant, and Beauty Shop. This series aims to explore design elements and techniques in existing and future small retail spaces.

The book selects projects of small-­ scale coffee shops from different regions to show design features and crucial elements for you to refer to. In this book, you can find a steam-­punk coffee shop of 30 square metres; you can also find a 60m2 coffee shop with a gallery to boast the theme human art. The book aims to inspire designers, and enlighten the one who will be an owner of a small coffee shop. Also, the one who loves traveling can go to the coffee shop mentioned in this book through the detailed address information to enjoy the local cultures.

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