Bas Princen, the dutch photographer/designer is noted since Nineties for his interest in the unplanned and spontaneous use of marginal landscape. Princen's decision to focus his research on the construction of tunnels along the Bologna railway line, for Linea di Confine, makes us realize how technology and its imposing realizations are becoming a natural part of the world. In the context of these changes, our acceptance of technology's fundamental role in contemporary culture, seems reintroduce, the issue of identity in relation to history and its dramatic impact on Italian culture.
Bas Princen, the dutch photographer/designer is noted since Nineties for his interest in the unplanned and spontaneous use of marginal landscape. Princen's decision to focus his research on the construction of tunnels along the Bologna railway line, for Linea di Confine, makes us realize how technology and its imposing realizations are becoming a natural part of the world. In the context of these changes, our acceptance of technology's fundamental role in contemporary culture, seems reintroduce, the issue of identity in relation to history and its dramatic impact on Italian culture.