Jun Aoki Complete Works Volume 2

Jun Aoki Complete Works Volume 2

Aomori Museum of Art


ISBN: 978-4-87275-136-9

  • Hardcover
  • Engels, Japans
  • 248 pagina's
  • 22 jun. 2007

Located in the remote Japanese prefecture of Aomori, this recently completed project forms the subject of the second volume examining the work of Jun Aoki. The museum is documented through 119 stunning colour photographs (taken by Risaku Suzuki), which challenge the traditional portrayal of architecture through photography and encourage the viewer to experience the various spaces of the museum

Located in the remote Japanese prefecture of Aomori, this recently completed project forms the subject of the second volume examining the work of Jun Aoki. The museum is documented through 119 stunning colour photographs (taken by Risaku Suzuki), which challenge the traditional portrayal of architecture through photography and encourage the viewer to experience the various spaces of the museum. Comprehensive plans, detail drawings, sections and soil reports are also included.

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