Honderd jaar architectuur in Nederland identifies the frames of reference within which Dutch architects exercised their profession in the twentieth century. The book provides detailed documentation of twenty structures based on original planning material.
Each building embodies a specific approach to an architectural problem and forms a crystallisation point for various approaches that can be distinguished within the amalgam of design strategies, such as those based on traditionalist, expressionist, functionalist, rationalist and post-modernist principles. The architectural approaches are reconstructed through an analysis of the coherence between the form, construction and function of a building. The technical design and social significance of the five architectural approaches are discussed in a series of essays.
The fact that individual buildings are difficult to classify on the basis of common functional, structural or formal characteristics does not mean that no parallels can be drawn in the architectural production. The lines of development in Dutch architecture are traced in a presentation of one hundred archetypal structures arranged chronologically, one for each year, placed in the context of technological and social developments. This is a guide for today’s designers through the maze of narratives about building to the actual act of building.
Honderd jaar architectuur in Nederland identifies the frames of reference within which Dutch architects exercised their profession in the twentieth century. The book provides detailed documentation of twenty structures based on original planning material.
Each building embodies a specific approach to an architectural problem and forms a crystallisation point for various approaches that can be distinguished within the amalgam of design strategies, such as those based on traditionalist, expressionist, functionalist, rationalist and post-modernist principles. The architectural approaches are reconstructed through an analysis of the coherence between the form, construction and function of a building. The technical design and social significance of the five architectural approaches are discussed in a series of essays.
The fact that individual buildings are difficult to classify on the basis of common functional, structural or formal characteristics does not mean that no parallels can be drawn in the architectural production. The lines of development in Dutch architecture are traced in a presentation of one hundred archetypal structures arranged chronologically, one for each year, placed in the context of technological and social developments. This is a guide for today’s designers through the maze of narratives about building to the actual act of building.