The 27 projects in Landscape Architecture and Urban Design in The Netherlands Yearbook 2013 are the best that Dutch landscape architects and planners have produced in 2012 and 2013. They clearly illustrate the new roles that designers are adopting. Today, taking the initiative, performing research and collaborating with others are just as important as shaping attractive places. And more than ever before, Dutch designers excel in the types of projects that have always set them apart, such as water management works and combining engineering with elegance.
The yearbook selection committee: Designing for the here and now by Jelte Boeijenga
New earning models. ‘We know the neighbourhood inside out’ by Mark Hendriks
Interview Minister Melanie Schultz ‘I believe more in business cases than in subsidies’ by Bert Bukman en Peter Paul Witsen
International perspective. Goodbye to the polder by Kristof Van Assche
Plus: The new professional - craftmanship and technique in 27 special projects...
The 27 projects in Landscape Architecture and Urban Design in The Netherlands Yearbook 2013 are the best that Dutch landscape architects and planners have produced in 2012 and 2013. They clearly illustrate the new roles that designers are adopting. Today, taking the initiative, performing research and collaborating with others are just as important as shaping attractive places. And more than ever before, Dutch designers excel in the types of projects that have always set them apart, such as water management works and combining engineering with elegance.
The yearbook selection committee: Designing for the here and now by Jelte Boeijenga
New earning models. ‘We know the neighbourhood inside out’ by Mark Hendriks
Interview Minister Melanie Schultz ‘I believe more in business cases than in subsidies’ by Bert Bukman en Peter Paul Witsen
International perspective. Goodbye to the polder by Kristof Van Assche
The new professional
• Bartokpark, Arnhem, Buro Harro, transitieteam DTO, (Departement Tijdelijke Ordening)
• 7Seasons, Rotterdam, Piet Vollaard, Ruimtelab2
• Werf 35, Hilversum, Karres en Brands Landschapsarchitecten
• Bouw van woon- en werkgemeenschappen in natuurgebied, Nikola-Lenivits, (Rusland), LAP Landscape & Urban Design
• Charlois aan het water, Rotterdam-Zuid, Vitibuck Architects
• Leve de Krimp!, Doetinchem (pilot), Studio Papaver (initiatief)
• BEEhaviour, Allariz (Spanje), LINT landscape architecture
Designing for the long term
• Strijp S, Eindhoven, West 8 Urban Design & Landscape Architecture
• Beken en Sprengen, Apeldoorn, Ontwerpatelier openbare ruimte gemeente Apeldoorn en OKRA landschapsarchitecten (Brinkpark)
• Spoorzone, Delft, Palmbout Urban Landscapes
• Singelpark, Leiden, LOLA landschape architects
• Watersysteem, New Orleans, H+N+S Landschapsarchitecten, Palmbout Urban Landscapes, Robbert de Koning landschapsarchitect, Bosch Slabbers
Design and engineering
• Park Buitenschot, Haarlemmermeer, H+N+S Landschapsarchitecten
• Bergingsproject voor radioactief afval, Dessel (België), DELVA Landscape Architects, BUUR bureau voor urbanisme
• Biobaseload, Zuid-Holland, Studio Marco Vermeulen
• Deltaprogramma IJsselmeergebied, IJsselmeer, Markermeer, IJmeer en
randmeren, inclusief oevers, Strootman Landschapsarchitecten
• Luwtedam, IJmeer bij Muiden, Feddes/Olthof Landschapsarchitecten
• Waddenland aan zee, Waddenkust Noord-Holland, Friesland, Groningen, Atelier Fryslân
• Ontwerpend onderzoek voor traditionele dijkverzwaringen, DELVA Landscape Architects en Dingeman Deijs
• Functional Ambiance. Onderzoek naar het ontwerp van stadstraten, De Urbanisten, Marc Verheijen (Hogeschool Rotterdam),
Proven craftsmanship
• Museumkwartier, ’s-Hertogenbosch, MTD landschapsarchitecten
• Melkwegbrug en Tramplein, Purmerend, NEXT architects
• Stedelijk plein, Genk (België), HOSPER BV landschapsarchitectuur
en stedebouw
• Wijkeroogpark, Velsen, Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur
• Strandtrappen Maasvlakte 2, Rotterdam, Jan Konings
• Jubilee Gardens, London, West8 Urban Design & Landscape Architecture
• Herinrichting straat en pleinen, Kopenhagen (Denemarken), KBP.EU (samenwerking tussen Karres en Brands en Polyform)